Danone Specialized Nutrition (Malaysia) menyokong penyusuan susu ibu secara ekslusif untuk enam bulan pertama selepas kelahiran. Susu ibu mengandungi nutrien optimum yang diperlukan oleh bayi untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Ia juga mengandungi antibodi yang melindungi bayi anda daripada pelbagai penyakit.

Selepas berusia enam bulan, bayi haruslah diberikan makanan pelengkap yang bersesuaian dengan usia di samping meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu sehingga bayi berusia dua tahun atau lebih. Rujuk doktor anda sebelum membuat keputusan untuk menggunakan susu formula atau jika anda mengalami kesukaran dalam penyusuan susu ibu.


Kids share their tips on how to poop better


Kids say the funniest things. So we asked a bunch of Malaysian kids to share their pooping tips:

One kid said that dancing around your potty helps

Because you need to get into the mood, you know

fun facts

While another said that singing the 'Frozen' theme song is good too

You just gotta let it go.

Geddit, geddit?

fun facts

Or just jump like this

The power of gravity

fun facts

1 out of 3 children suffers from constipation.*

* Mugie SM et al. Epidemiology of constipation in children and adults: a systematic review. Best Pract. Res Clin Gastroentrol. 2011; 25(1)-3-18.

It's adorable and funny when kids give their take on how you can help them poop better, but constipation is no laughing matter

Constipation is a common problem among young children, most of the time due to them having an unhealthy gut.

Experts recommend a balanced diet, lots of water, and exercises to help keep your child's gut healthy. For more information on this, check out.

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Do you know that you can tell from their poop if your child has a healthy gut?

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